
Take 5 Minutes to Activate Your Creativity with These Three Steps



this three minute video from Creativity Guide Chris and  refresh your mindsets.

Want more joy and purpose via creativity?
TAKE your next steps below




Finding what we love to create regardless of others’ validation or reward reduces pressure, empowers our freedom, and increases fun. These questions will help you recognize these types of activities:

 1. What do you enjoy doing even when there is no external reward or validation attached (e.g., when no one knows or pays you for it)?

2. If money were never an issue in your life, how would you spend your time?

3. What places, activities, people, art, or solutions make you feel heart-alive?

Consider your lists of responses, and identify themes you see across your answers. They may be topical, activity-based, or role-based. For instance, you might note "80's rock music," "teaching people things," "nature views," "organizational planning," or other unrelated ideas. 
Once you've identified a few themes, CONTINUE TO STEP THREE.

(Take a screenshot and write out the answers on your device)

the activation questions below to identify your unique intrinsic joy expressions. 



Meet like-minded individuals and explore your creativity inside of our Thriving Through Creativity Community on Facebook.

Ready to overcome the voice of the inner critic? Click the button below to sign up for this tool inside of our Teachable platform.


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Inner critic tool/pdf




having fun with an intrinsic joy expression you don't typically practice. Before starting, repeat the affirmations from the video. 

to spending 15 minutes

STAY ACCOUNTABLE by joining our FREE creativity community below. You can also DOWNLOAD our FREE affirmations tool to continue your journey. 

Spread the creative joy! Share with a friend or community and help others find fresh inspiration in their lives. 


Jessica, Author
Creativity Workshop Attendee

Mauricio, Finance Professional
Creativity Workshop Attendee

The Creativity Workshop breathed life on my work... I can honestly say it helped me over a hurdle, and gave me tools to do so in the future.

It really taught me about creativity and made me realize I am and can be a creative person in my everyday life...

Rachel, Musician
Mindset Service Customer

Luke, Business Owner
Mindset Service Customer

It does not matter where you are in life, you NEED to take this workshop! It will only bring greater health to every area of your life. I loved Laura's teachings! The material was fresh, and I would often listen back to the recordings throughout my week to chew on the material.

Laura does a phenomenal job relating the content to our lives and connecting with each person in the workshop. I could tell she cared about my journey and celebrated the growth she saw in me in the five weeks we spent together during the workshop. I highly recommend working with Laura!

Thanks for joining me! I'm so excited to help you explore your creative nature and find true intrinsic joy. See you soon!

- Chris, Founder of OneStep Guides